rodrigod2014Mar 5, 20155 min readPeru-Chile-Argentina SummaryBy Gretchen Richter de Medeiros PERU Peru: land of misty mountains and pan pipes, ancient ruins, gorgeous textiles and world-class food....
rodrigod2014Mar 5, 20152 min read"Pretty amazing how much cheaper medical care is in South America."By Gretchen Richter de Medeiros Below are tables that detail our projected costs, actual costs, and the differences between the two. We...
rodrigod2014Nov 28, 20142 min read"I was the first eleven year old boy to do the cooking class."By Marco Richter de Medeiros I love Peruvian food. It’s a wide variety of different styles of food coming as 1. My favorite was alpaca...
rodrigod2014Oct 18, 20145 min read"Machupicchu: Thoughts of "appropriation of remains" crossed my mind, but I quickly pby Rodrigo DeMedeiros The highlight to our Peru trip was - predictably - Machupicchu. We took an ungodly early train from Ollantaytambo...
rodrigod2014Oct 5, 20142 min read"Isaias is our guide for most of the Peru trip. I like him. He's cool."by Marco Richter de Medeiros Chinchero is a lot different from what you would see in the United States, especially Fall City. The...
rodrigod2014Sep 23, 20143 min read“You are not checking in until tomorrow, I am here tonight.”by Gretchen Richter de Medeiros “OK, remember,” I wrote for the third or fourth time, “we will be arriving very, very early on the...